Who can Use a Virtual Data Room?

It’s hard to find a technology solution that fits every situation. However, a virtual data room provides versatile and valuable features that offer many areas of business the capabilities they have been lacking. The VDR market is overflowing with different offerings that span various industries. Depending on the provider’s drive, they offer additional features and benefits. This article will look at who exactly can benefit from a virtual data room.

Businesses that can use a virtual data room

VDRs used to be reserved for due diligence and mergers and acquisitions. However, today’s virtual data room is a profitable solution for various business sectors. Below, we highlight the industries that use VDRs most often and benefit them.

Real Estate

Realtors work with confidential documentation daily, so a secure data room space would be a great way to organize and store it. With control features, you can ensure that invited users (your clients) only have access to the folder of documents relevant to your case. VDR supports almost all document formats so that you can store real estate images, videos, presentations, and more without any problems. Automation features during document management will allow you to save tons of time and work more efficiently.

Professional Services

The data room capabilities have not gone unnoticed among professional consultants in law or accounting firms. They use VDRs for similar purposes as the real estate industry, but the number of transactions performed inside the space is higher. Firms that provide professional advice need to constantly exchange sensitive data, request virtual signatures, and acknowledge receipt of information. The data room makes it several times more accessible, faster, and safer to perform these spaces. In addition, lawyers use the space as a litigation space, while accountants can store all client information in the long run and quickly find the data they need on demand.

Business matters

As mentioned earlier, the data room is excellent for complex transactions such as mergers and acquisitions. In addition, marketing companies benefit tremendously from this solution because they can now centrally store all data, have easy and unrestricted access, and control other users’ interactions with your documents. As a result, the chance of a successful transaction is much higher with VDRs.


The banking sector uses the capabilities of the virtual data room slightly differently because the needs of banks differ. For example, VDR does not work to provide information to invited users (customers) but to arm the banks themselves with knowledge. So, through this digital space, banks can find out different financial information, employment records, credit, salary histories, etc.

Science, Health, and Education

Virtual data rooms can be helpful not only in business but also in other areas not related to financial transactions. For example, VDRs’ unique secure storage capabilities allow these organizations to securely store their intellectual property, confidential client information, and sensitive data from various research and development activities. In addition, it will enable them to share this information within the institution with their peers quickly. To do this, VDRs have special licenses that allow them to handle sensitive data, and data room providers who work in the medical field are necessarily HIPAA-certified for security. In addition, the digital watermarking feature helps protect document copyrights, significantly reducing the chance of internal data leakage, while data encryption and dual authentication will secure against external threats.